Monday, July 11, 2005

Museum Mondays

Monday the museum is closed to the public, it is an effective day for museum staff, as paperwork that has been put aside in lieu of tending to "the public" is efficiently done. I found great pleasure in striding quickly through the museum when the galleries and courts are empty, walking the empty stairwells and sliding in and out of restricted areas with my key card. Every thing feels a bit easier.

Today I made phone calls and no matter how many tricks I use to make the calls sound efficient and businesslike, I get nervous. "Yes" I say, "you've given to us before and we believe it is time for you to give to us again." The tactics I use? I stand up (to sound businesslike) I put a smile in my voice and I repeat their name, so that they will inherently like me a little bit more. All sales tricks, but strangely tricks I've only learned recently. I can never use their name more than two or three times, otherwise it feels weird to me. How many times do I address my friends' names as I talk to them?

I keep wondering if I'm cut-out for this. Have I taken a job that is below my qualifications (I'm afraid so)? If so can I relax at this job or should I go for the ever more challenging? How successful will I be with this formula of chasing dollars? So cliche to let time play itself out, but I'm heading that way


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